Chief's Welcome

Welcome to the University of New Hampshire campus. The safety and well being of our students, faculty, staff and visitors is always our primary concern.
We encourage you to explore all information regarding services of our department such as campus advisories and alerts, crime statistics, crime prevention, victim/witness advocacy, personal safety, escort service, and how to report an emergency situation or other calls for service. Through programs of education, information, active police and security presence, we can accomplish our goal of supporting everyone in their educational pursuit in a community that is conducive to the true spirit of learning.
Interim Chief Steven P. Lee
University of NH Police
About each Department
Are you interested in becoming a UNH Police officer, Communications Dispatcher, or Campus Service Officer?
All these positions play a key role in our community. Our online applications can be found at
If you want to learn more about the different positions check out:
Although, UNH Campus Service Officers do not have police authority; however, they work very closely with University Police Officers. All officers have direct communication with the UNH-Communications Center that provides a connection to Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Units.
University Campus Service Officers are on duty to assist members of the University community. They provide authorized access to University buildings after hours, securing of campus buildings, assisting in room lock-outs as well as building security checks.
A division of the University of New Hampshire Police Department, the UNH -Communications Center is staffed 24 hours a day, by six full-time professional dispatchers. All full-time dispatchers are State Police Online Telecommunications System Certified and receive a variety of in house and specialized training annually.
The center serves as dispatch for the University of New Hampshire Police Department, the Town of Madbury Police Department, the Towns of Lee and Madbury Fire Departments, the Town of Barrington Fire and Ambulance Departments, and the McGregor Ambulance Corp.
The UNH Police Department -Operations consists of the sworn members of the department; meaning, those employees that possess arrest powers. Officers within Operations are assigned to either Patrol or Investigations.
The UNH Police Department has had officers work with numerous specialized assignments and units, to include: the Strafford County Regional Tactical Operations Unit (SWAT), the Strafford Regional Traffic Accident Reconstruction Team, the New Hampshire Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task-Force, Drug Enforcement Administration's Clandestine Lab Team, the New Hampshire Information and Analysis Center (IAC) and the New Hampshire Attorney General's Drug Task-Force.
Operations is commanded by Captain Mark Collopy.
The UNH Police Prosecutor is responsible for the preparation and presentation of all misdemeanor and violation level cases in District Court. Our assigned courthouse is the 7Th Circuit Court –Dover District Division. The prosecution of felony-level and domestic violence cases is handled by the Strafford County Attorney’s Office. The UNH Police Prosecutor will assist the Strafford County Attorney’s Office as needed. Felony-level cases are heard at the Strafford County Superior Court.
As the Police Department liaison with the Courts, the Prosecutor coordinates the scheduling of cases and witnesses, ensuring that all cases have been reviewed for legality and completeness, overseeing the successful and fair prosecution of all cases. The Prosecution also presents the State's evidence at Administrative License Suspension hearings.
Questions regarding prosecution may be directed to UNH Police Paralegal Stephanie Nadeau by email or at (603) 862-1427.
You may request a copy of your arrest report. However, when a defendant requests an arrest report that information request is considered discovery. You will only be provided with discovery once. A request for discovery must be made in writing and the Records Request form can be used.
Frequently Asked Questions in regards to being arrested can be found at I was arrested –FAQs.
Under the general direction of the Chief of Police, the Emergency Management Division coordinates emergency planning initiatives for the University. This division is primarily responsible for the development and/or maintenance of department-level plans (including Emergency Action Plans and Continuity Plans) and providing assistance in University-level planning (including the Crisis and Emergency Management Plan, Continuity Plan, and Hazard Mitigation Plan) as necessary. The Emergency Management Division may also conduct associated training, exercising, and outreach activities in support of the emergency management program. The division is responsible for the Durham, Manchester and School of Law campuses.
The Emergency Management Division also serves as a Liaison to local Police, Fire and EMS Departments as well as local hospital emergency departments. Serves as the liaison to State of NH Homeland Security & Emergency Management as well as to Federal Partners.
The division oversees the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) program for the University. It is responsible for the placement and upkeep of all AEDs on UNH properties. It also assists in the instruction of CPR and AEDs. Click here to see on a campus map where AED's are located in each building. To schedule AED training for occupants of your building, email the AED Coordinator.
Various other duties for the Emergency Management Division include applying for and management of grants and serving on the Executive Protection Team.
For more information on emergency planning, please click on these suggested links:
The UNH School of Law's Security Office is a division of the UNH Police Department.
A UNH School of Law Security Officer is on duty whenever the UNH Law School Library is open.
For more information see the UNH School of Law's Security Office website.
Click here to contact the UNH Law School Security Supervisor.
The Security Office of UNH Manchester is a division of the UNH Police Department. Like the Campus Service Officers of the Durham Campus, UNH Manchester Security Officers are graduates of the New Hampshire College and University Campus Security Academy.
The UNH Manchester Security Officers do not have police authority; however, they work very closely with the Manchester Police Department.
For more information on the UNH Manchester Security Office see their website.
The location of the UNH Manchester Security Office is:
Reception Desk
Second Floor of 88 Commercial St
The UNH Manchester Security Office is supervised by Security Supervisor Bruce Azotea.
Department Mission
The primary mission of the University of New Hampshire Police Department is the protection of life and property. This is accomplished through fair, consistent and equal enforcement, always keeping in mind the rights and dignity of the public.
The basis of all policy action is the law and the credibility of the agency. The measure of our service will be judged by the public in the way we deliver our service. We will hold all personnel to a high level of ethical practices.
This mission can be achieved through the prevention of crime, public relations and community policing.
Department Values
A Commitment to serve the University of New Hampshire community as law enforcement professionals, we pledge to serve the University of New Hampshire, build trust and confidence, and respond to community needs with:
RESPECT: Treat all persons in a dignified and courteous manner and exhibit understanding of ethnic and culture diversity, both in our professional and personal endeavors.
FAIRNESS: Treat all persons impartially, with consideration, compassion and understanding. Be equally responsive to our employees and the community we serve.
INTEGRITY: We are committed to the highest performance standards, ethical conduct, honesty and trustfulness in all relationships. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions and take pride in a professional level of service to all.
Department Role
The University of New Hampshire Police Department exists to provide public safety services, including law enforcement, crime prevention and suppression, emergency response, investigation and information to the University of New Hampshire community, 24 hours a day, every day of the week.
To exercise within the Town of Durham, principally upon University property and contiguous streets and ways thereto, all common law and statutory power of constables, except the power to serve civil process, as granted by the statutes, ordinances, regulations and the inherent police power of the state.
Legal Authority
Prior to taking the oath of office, each officer shall swear to faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on them as a University police officer to the best of their abilities, agreeable to the rules and regulations of the United States and State of New Hampshire Constitutions and the ordinances of the Town of Durham.
Upon taking the oath of office, pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, Section 4.8:B of the Charter of the Town of Durham, New Hampshire, you shall have the powers, to enforce all criminal laws, ordinances of the Town, serve criminal process and to make arrest as prescribed by law, and be subject to the liabilities of such office, until another person shall be chosen and qualified in your stead.