The Student Activity Fee (SAF) is a mandatory fee collected from all undergraduate students who attend the University of the New Hampshire. The student body reserves the exclusive use of the SAF, which is carried out by Student Senate through the Student Activity Fee Committee. The amount of the SAF paid per student depends on credit hours enrolled.
SAFC strives to fund organizations and events that reach a wide range of student groups and interests.
Student Activity Fee Committee Website

The Memorial Union Board of Governors (MUBOG) works to enhance the student learning experience, participation, and involvement in the governance of the Memorial Union Building (MUB) as it relates to the programming, space allocation, operation, and functionality of the MUB as an educational and entertainment facility primarily for University of New Hampshire (UNH) students and also for the Durham community. MUBOG also promotes communication and collaboration between all student governance organizations of the University of New Hampshire.
Memorial Union Board of Governors Website