Behind the Curtain: How Corporate Supply Chains Can Change the World

Thursday, March 13, 2025 - noon to 1 p.m.


UNH Alumni Sustainability Webinar:

Behind the Curtain: How Corporate Supply Chains Can Change the World


Thursday, March 13, 12-1 p.m.
Learn more and register

Free & open to all


For most consumer product companies, the majority of their environmental and social impact occurs within their supply chain. When you think about your favorite products, where the raw ingredients come from and how they are processed matters most. Learn how consumer product companies can engage with the people and places in their supply chains to restore and regenerate, rather than degrade. And discuss how you as consumers can vote with your dollar to influence more companies on this journey.


·      Theresa McKenney, Director of Sustainability and Government Affairs, Nemo Equipment

·      Josh Austin​​​​, Sr. Manager, Sustainability, High Liner Foods

·      Topher Mallory, CEO, Mexicali Blues Inc.


The UNH Alumni Sustainability Webinar series is a partnership of UNH’s Sustainability Institute and Alumni Relations.